Source code for elektronn2.tests.test_schedule_config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import filter, hex, input, int, map, next, oct, pow, range, \
    super, zip

[docs]def test_schedule_config(): prev_save_h = 2.0 save_name = 'Test' # save_path = None # model_load_path = None # alternative to above # model_load_args = None # to override mfp, inputsize etc # batch_size = None # try to infer from model itself unless it is flexible # preview_data_path = None # preview_kwargs = None data_class = 'CNNData' # <String>: Name of Data Class in TrainData or <tuple>: (path_to_file, class_name) data_init_kwargs = dict(d_path='~/lustre/mkilling/BirdGT/j0126_new/', l_path='~/lustre/mkilling/BirdGT/j0126_new', d_files=[('raw_%i.h5' % i, 'raw') for i in range(1)], l_files=[('barrier_int16_%i.h5' % i, 'lab') for i in range(1)], valid_cubes=[], n_target=2, anisotropic_data=True, data_order='xyz', affinity=None) # del i data_batch_args = dict(flip=True, grey_augment_channels=[0], ret_ll_mask=False, warp_on=False, ignore_thresh=0.5) n_steps = 30000 max_runtime = 1 * 3600 # in seconds history_freq = 500 monitor_batch_size = 1 optimiser = 'SGD' optimiser_params = dict(lr=0.001, mom=0.8, wd=0.1) lr_schedule = 0.995 dropout_schedule = None gradnet_schedule = None class_weights = None lazy_labels = None batch_size = 1 lr_schedule = dict(dec=0.95) wd_schedule = dict(lindec=[4000, 0.1]) mom_schedule = dict( updates=[(500, 0.8), (1000, 0.7), (1500, 0.9), (2000, 0.2)]) dropout_schedule = dict(updates=[(1000, [0.2, 0.2])]) gradnet_schedule = None
[docs]def create_model(): import numpy as np from elektronn2 import neuromancer from elektronn2.neuromancer import graph_manager from elektronn2.model import Model graph_manager.reset() inp = neuromancer.Input((1, 1, 1, 59, 59), 'b,f,x,y,z', name='raw') out = neuromancer.Conv(inp, 2, (1, 6, 6), (1, 2, 2), dropout_rate=0.8) out = neuromancer.Conv(out, 3, (1, 6, 6), (1, 2, 2), dropout_rate=0.5) out = neuromancer.Conv(out, 4, (1, 4, 4), (1, 1, 1)) out = neuromancer.Conv(out, 5, (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)) out = neuromancer.Conv(out, 2, (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), activation_func='lin') out = neuromancer.Softmax(out, n_indep=1, name='probs') l_sh = out.shape.copy() l_sh.updateshape('f', 1) l = neuromancer.Input_like(l_sh, dtype='int16', name='labels') loss_pix = neuromancer.MultinoulliNLL(out, l, target_is_sparse=True) loss = neuromancer.AggregateLoss(loss_pix, name='nll') graph_manager.designate_nodes(input=inp, target=l, loss=loss, prediction=out, prediction_ext=[loss, loss, out]) m = Model(graph_manager) return m