Source code for elektronn2.neuromancer.variables

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN2 Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2015 Marius F. Killinger
# All rights reserved

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import filter, hex, input, int, map, next, oct, pow, range, super, zip

import copy
import logging

import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as T
from theano.tensor.sharedvar import TensorSharedVariable
from theano.tensor import TensorConstant, TensorType

from .. import config
from .graphutils import floatX, as_floatX

logger = logging.getLogger('elektronn2log')

__all__ = ['VariableParam', 'VariableWeight', 'ConstantParam', 'initweights']

[docs]class VariableParam(TensorSharedVariable): """ Extension of theano ``TensorSharedVariable``. Additional features are described by the parameters, otherwise identical Parameters ---------- value name: str apply_reg flag: bool whether to apply regularisation (e.g. L2) on this param apply_train flag: bool whether to train this parameter (as opposed to a meta-parameter or a parameter that is kept const. during a training phase) dtype: strict: bool allow_downcast: bool borrow: bool broadcastable """ def __init__(self, value=None, name=None, apply_train=True, apply_reg=True, dtype=None, strict=False, allow_downcast=None, borrow=False, broadcastable=None): self.apply_reg = apply_reg self.apply_train = apply_train self._updates = None self.constant = False if not apply_train: name += "_noTrain" if isinstance(value, (int, float)): value = np.array(value, dtype=dtype) if dtype is not None: value = value.astype(dtype) value=np.array(value, copy=(not borrow)) if broadcastable is None: broadcastable = (False,) * len(value.shape) t_type = T.TensorType(value.dtype, broadcastable=broadcastable) super(VariableParam, self).__init__(type=t_type, value=value, name=name, strict=strict, allow_downcast=allow_downcast) @property def updates(self): return self._updates @updates.setter def updates(self, up): if self.apply_train or self.apply_reg: raise ValueError("Cannot register extra updates for trainable " "parameter %s" %(repr(self),)) self._updates = up
[docs] def clone(self): cp = TensorSharedVariable(, type=self.type, value=None, strict=None, container=self.container) cp.tag = copy.copy(self.tag) return cp
[docs]class VariableWeight(VariableParam): def __init__(self, shape=None, init_kwargs=None, value=None, name=None, apply_train=True, apply_reg=True, dtype=None, strict=False, allow_downcast=None, borrow=False, broadcastable=None): """ Extension of theano ``TensorSharedVariable`` and subclass of ``VariableParam``. Additional features are described by the parameters, otherwise identical Parameters ---------- shape: list/tuple of int Shape of weights (if value=None) init_kwargs: dict kwargs for the ``initweights``-function (if value=None) value: numpy array initial value (if shape/init_kwargs=None) name: str apply_train flag: bool Whether to train this parameter (as opposed to a meta-parameter or a parameter that is kept const. during a training phase) apply_reg flag: bool Whether to apply regularisation (e.g. L2) on this param dtype strict: bool allow_downcast: bool borrow: bool broadcastable """ if value is None: # create new values if (shape is None) or (init_kwargs is None): raise ValueError("shape and init_kwargs are required if value is None") value = initweights(shape, **init_kwargs) elif shape is not None: if np.array(value).ndim > 1: raise ValueError("If value and shape are specified, " "value must be scalar.") value = np.ones(shape) * value super(VariableWeight, self).__init__(value, name, apply_train, apply_reg, dtype, strict, allow_downcast, borrow, broadcastable)
[docs] def set_value(self, new_value, borrow=False): sh = self.get_value().shape if isinstance(new_value, np.ndarray): if not (sh == new_value.shape): raise NotImplementedError("given shape: %s, required shape: %s " "Crop value or extend with similar numbers"%(new_value.shape, sh)) elif isinstance(new_value, (float, int)): pass else: raise ValueError("Value/type not understood") try: super(VariableWeight, self).set_value(new_value, borrow) except TypeError as e: if config.allow_floatX_downcast: new_value = as_floatX(new_value) super(VariableWeight, self).set_value(new_value, borrow) else: raise
[docs]class ConstantParam(TensorConstant): """ Identical to theano ``VariableParam`` except that there are two two addition attributes ``apply_train`` and `apply_reg``, which are both false. This is just to tell ELEKTRONN2 that this parameter is to be exempted from training. Obviously the ``set_value`` method raises an exception because this is a real constant. Constants are faster in the theano graph. """ def __init__(self, value, name=None, dtype=None, make_singletons_broadcastable=True): name += "_const" if isinstance(value, (int, float)): value = np.array(value, dtype=dtype) if dtype is not None: value = value.astype(dtype) if make_singletons_broadcastable: broadcastable = [d == 1 for d in value.shape] else: broadcastable = [False for d in value.shape] dtype_t = TensorType(dtype=value.dtype, broadcastable=broadcastable) self.apply_train = False self.apply_reg = False self.constant = True super(ConstantParam, self).__init__(dtype_t, value, name=name)
[docs] def clone(self): return TensorConstant(self.type,,
[docs] def set_value(self, new_value, borrow=False): raise RuntimeError("Cannot set value for ConstantParam")
[docs] def get_value(self, borrow=False): return self.value
@property def updates(self): return None
[docs]def initweights(shape, dtype=floatX, scale='glorot', mode='normal', pool=None, spatial_axes=None): if mode=='const': W = np.ones(shape) * scale elif mode=='prelu': # assuming shape is (n_out, 2) W = np.ones(shape) * scale W[:,1] = 1.0 # GradNet inspired initial full linearity, conventional relu would be 0 elif mode=='fix-uni': W = np.random.uniform(-scale, scale, shape) elif scale=='glorot': if len(shape)==2: # (fin, nof) n_in, n_out = shape[0], shape[1] s = n_in + n_out else: assert spatial_axes is not None other, kernel = [], [] for i,s in enumerate(shape): if i in spatial_axes: kernel.append(s) else: other.append(s) assert len(other)==2 n_out = other[0] n_in = other[1] fov = ps = s = (n_in + float(n_out)/ps) * fov W_scale = np.sqrt(2.0 / s) if mode=='normal': W = np.random.normal(0, W_scale, shape) elif mode=='uni': W = np.random.uniform(-W_scale, W_scale, shape) elif mode=='ortho': M = np.random.normal(0, W_scale, size=shape) M = M.reshape((n_out, -1)) # more vectors needed than can be orthogonal in this dimension strip_required = False n_in = M.shape[1] if n_out > n_in: M = np.random.normal(0, W_scale, size=(n_out, n_out)) strip_required = True U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=False) W = V / V.std(1)[:,None] * W_scale #W -= W.mean(axis=1)[:,None] # This changes whether they are orthogonal! if strip_required: W = W[:, :n_in] W = W.reshape(shape) else: raise ValueError("Invalid weigh initialisation parameters") logger.debug("Init: shape=%s, mean=%f, std=%f"%(shape, W.mean(), W.std())) return np.ascontiguousarray(W, dtype=dtype)