Source code for elektronn2.neuromancer.graphutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN2 Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2015 Marius F. Killinger
# All rights reserved

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import filter, hex, input, int, map, next, oct, pow, range, super, zip

from collections import OrderedDict
import sys
import time
import logging

import numpy as np
import theano

logger = logging.getLogger('elektronn2log')

if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
    unicode = str

__all__ = ['TaggedShape', 'floatX', 'as_floatX', 'make_func',

floatX = theano.config.floatX

[docs]class TaggedShape(object): """ Object to manage shape and associated tags uniformly. The ``[]``-operator can be used get shape values by either index (``int``) or tag (``str``) Parameters ---------- shape: list/tuple of int shape of array, unspecified shapes are ``None`` tags: list/tuple of strings or comma-separated string tags indicate which purpose the dimensions of the tensor serve. They are sometimes used to decide about reshapes. The maximal tensor has tags: "r, b, s, f, z, y, x, s" which denote: * r: perform recurrence along this axis * b: batch size * s: samples of the same instance (over which expectations are calculated) * f: features, filters, channels * z: convolution no. 3 (slower than 1,2) * y: convolution no. 1 * x: convolution no. 2 strides: list of strides, only for spatial dimensions, so it is 1-3 long mfp_offsets: """ def __init__(self, shape, tags, strides=None, mfp_offsets=None, fov=None,): self._shape = list(shape) # copy self._tags = self._check_tags(tags) # is copied too if len(self._shape)!=len(self._tags): raise ValueError("Shape %s and tags %s must have same length"\ %(self._shape, self._tags)) if strides is None: self._strides = np.ones(len(self.spatial_axes), else: self._strides = np.array(strides, if mfp_offsets is None: self._mfp_offsets = np.zeros((1, len(self.spatial_axes)), else: self._mfp_offsets = np.atleast_2d((np.array(mfp_offsets, if fov is None: self._fov = np.ones(len(self.spatial_axes), else: self._fov = np.array(fov, def __repr__(self): r = "[" for s,t in zip(self._shape, self._tags): r += "(%s,%s), "%(s,t) r = r[:-2] # remove last 2 chars r += "]" return r @property def ext_repr(self): s = repr(self) s += '\n' s += 'fov=%s, offsets=%s, strides=%s, spatial shape=%s'\ %(self.fov, self.offsets, self.strides, self.spatial_shape) return s @staticmethod def _check_tags(tags): if tags is None: return None if not isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)): if isinstance(tags, (str, unicode)): tags = tags.split(',') tags = [x.strip() for x in tags] else: raise ValueError("Tags must be either list/tuple of comma-separated string, not %s" %tags) allowed_tags = ['r', 'b', 'z', 'f', 'x', 'y', 's'] for t in tags: if t not in allowed_tags: raise ValueError("Unknown tag %s" %(t,)) return tags def __getitem__(self, slice): if isinstance(slice, (str, unicode)): return self._shape[self.tag2index(slice)] else: return self._shape[slice] def __len__(self): return len(self._shape) @property def shape(self): return self._shape @property def tags(self): return self._tags @property def strides(self): return self._strides @property def mfp_offsets(self): return self._mfp_offsets @property def fov(self): return list(self._fov) @property def fov_all_centered(self): fov = self.fov return np.all(np.mod(fov, 2)==1) @property def offsets(self): return [i//2 for i in self.fov] @property def spatial_axes(self): spatial_axes = [tag for tag in ['z', 'x', 'y'] if self.hastag(tag)] spatial_axes = [self.tag2index(tag) for tag in spatial_axes] spatial_axes.sort() return list(spatial_axes) @property def ndim(self): return len(self.spatial_axes) @property def spatial_shape(self): return [self.shape[i] for i in self.spatial_axes] @property def spatial_size(self): return int( @property def stripnone(self): """ Return the shape but with all None elements removed (e.g. if batch size is unspecified) """ new_sh = [] for s in self._shape: if s is not None: new_sh.append(s) return new_sh @property def stripbatch_prod(self): """ Calculate product excluding batch dimension """ new_sh = [] for s,t in zip(self._shape, self._tags): if t is not 'b': new_sh.append(s) return @property def stripnone_prod(self): """ Return the product of the shape but with all None elements removed (e.g. if batch size is unspecified) """ return
[docs] def tag2index(self, target_tag): """ Finds the index of the desired tag """ try: i = self._tags.index(target_tag) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Shape does not have tag %s, only" "tags %s" %(target_tag, self._tags)) return i
[docs] def hastag(self, tag): has = False try: self.tag2index(tag) has = True except ValueError: pass return has
[docs] def updateshape(self, axis, new_size, mode=None): """ Create new TaggedShape with ``new_size`` on ``axis`` . Modes for updating: ``None`` (override), ``'add'``, ``'mult'`` """ if isinstance(axis, int): i = axis else: i = self.tag2index(axis) sh = list(self._shape) # copy if mode is None: sh[i] = new_size else: if sh[i] is None: logger.debug("Updating shape %s at index %i carrying value None, " "will stay None" %(self, i)) sh[i] = sh[i] elif mode=='add': sh[i] += new_size elif mode=='mult': sh[i] *= new_size ret = self.copy() ret._shape = sh return ret
[docs] def updatefov(self, axis, new_fov): """ Create new TaggedShape with ``new_fov`` on ``axis``. Axis is given as index of the spatial axes (not matching the absolute index of sh). """ ret = self.copy() ret._fov[axis] = new_fov return ret
[docs] def updatestrides(self, strides): ret = self.copy() ret._strides = strides return ret
[docs] def updatemfp_offsets(self, mfp_offsets): ret = self.copy() ret._mfp_offsets = mfp_offsets return ret
[docs] def addaxis(self, axis, size, tag): """ Create new TaggedShape with new axis inserted at ``axis`` of size ``size`` tagged ``tag``. If axis is a tag, the new axis is **right** of that tag """ if isinstance(axis, int): i = axis else: i = self.tag2index(axis) + 1 sh = list(self._shape) # copy sh.insert(i, size) tags = list(self._tags) tags.insert(i, tag) return TaggedShape(sh, tags, self._strides, self._mfp_offsets, self._fov)
[docs] def delaxis(self, axis): """ Create new TaggedShape with new axis inserted at ``axis`` of size ``size`` tagged ``tag``. If axis is a tag, the new axis is **right** of that tag """ if isinstance(axis, int): i = axis else: i = self.tag2index(axis) + 1 sh = list(self._shape) # copy sh.pop(i) tags = list(self._tags) tags.pop(i) return TaggedShape(sh, tags, self._strides, self._mfp_offsets, self._fov)
[docs] def copy(self): return TaggedShape(self._shape, self._tags, self._strides, self._mfp_offsets, self.fov)
[docs]class make_func(object): """ Wrapper for compiled theano functions. Features: * The function is compiled on demand (i.e. no wait at initialisation) * Singleton return values are returned directly, multiple values as list * The last execution time can inspected in the attribute ``last_exec_time`` * Functions can be timed: ``profile_execution`` is an ``int`` that specifies the number of runs to average. The average time is printed then. * In/Out values can have a ``borrow`` flag which might overwrite the numpy arrays but might speed up execution (see theano doc) """ def __init__(self, tt_input, tt_output, updates=None, name='Unnamed Function', borrow_inp=False, borrow_out=False, profile_execution=False): = name self.func = None self.profile = profile_execution self.last_exec_time = None self.updates = updates if borrow_inp: tt_input = [theano.In(x, borrow=True) for x in tt_input] self.tt_input = tt_input self.single_return = False if not isinstance(tt_output, (list, tuple)): tt_output = [tt_output,] self.single_return = True if borrow_out: tt_output = [theano.Out(x, borrow=True) for x in tt_output] self.tt_output = tt_output def __call__(self, *args): if self.func is None: self.compile() if len(args)==0: # calling foo() now just compiles the function return if self.profile: t0 = time.time() if self.profile>1: for i in range(self.profile-1): self.func(*args) ret = self.func(*args) t = time.time() - t0"Function <%s> took %.5f s averaged over %i execs" % (, t/self.profile, self.profile)) else: t0 = time.time() ret = self.func(*args) t = time.time() - t0 self.last_exec_time = t if self.single_return: ret = ret[0] return ret
[docs] def compile(self, profile=False): t_init = time.time()"Compiling %s, inputs=%s" % (, self.tt_input)) tf = theano.function(self.tt_input, self.tt_output, updates=self.updates,, on_unused_input='warn', profile=profile)" Compiling done - in %.2f s" % (time.time() - t_init)) self.func = tf
[docs]def getinput_for_multioutput(outputs): """ For list of several output layers return a list of required input tensors (without duplicates) to compute these outputs. """ inputs = [out.input_tensors for out in outputs] ret = OrderedDict() for inp in inputs: for i in inp: ret[i] = True return list(ret.keys())
[docs]def as_floatX(x): if not hasattr(x, '__len__'): return np.array(x, dtype=floatX) return np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype=floatX)