Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ELEKTRONN2 Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2015 Marius Killinger
# All rights reserved

# TODO: Python 3 compatibility

__all__ = ['KnossosArray', 'KnossosArrayMulti']

import glob
import itertools
import re
import os
import traceback
import ctypes
import multiprocessing as mp
from collections import deque

import numpy as np

from .. import utils

def our_glob(s):
    l = []
    for g in glob.glob(s):
    return l

def get_remaining_size(fd):
        fn = fd.fileno()
    except AttributeError:
        return os.path.getsize( - fd.tell()
    st = os.fstat(fn)
    size = st.st_size - fd.tell()
    return size

def load_rawfile(path, out, offset=0):
    fd = open(path, 'rb')
    if (offset > 0):, 1)
    size = get_remaining_size(fd)
    itemsize = out.itemsize
    shapeprod = out.size
    nbytes = shapeprod * itemsize
    if nbytes > size:
        raise ValueError(
                "Not enough bytes left in file for specified shape and type")

    nbytesread = fd.readinto(
    if nbytesread != nbytes:
        raise IOError("Didn't read as many bytes as expected")

    return out

class LoadProc(mp.Process):
    def __init__(self, mp_array, path, dtype, status):
        super(LoadProc, self).__init__()
        self.path = path
        self.mp_array = mp_array
        self.status = status
        self.array = np.frombuffer(mp_array.get_obj(), dtype)

    def run(self):
            a_buffer = np.empty(len(self.array), np.uint8)
            load_rawfile(self.path, a_buffer)
            self.array[:] = a_buffer
            self.array /= 255

[docs]class KnossosArray(object): """ Interfaces with knossos cubes, all axes are in zxy order! """ def __init__(self, path, max_ram=1000, n_preload=2, fixed_mag=1): path = os.path.expanduser(path) # Knossos attributes self._shape = np.zeros(3, self._shape_spatial = np.zeros(3, self.scale = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float) self._knossos_path = None self._experiment_name = None self._cube_boundary = None self._cube_length = 128 self._cube_sh = [self._cube_length,]*3 self._mag = [] self._n_f = 1 # slicing/loading attributes self.dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) _n_preload = np.ones(3, dtype=np.float)*n_preload _n_preload[0] /= 2 self.n_preload = np.ceil(_n_preload).astype( max_bytes = max_ram * 2**20 self.cache_size = int(max_bytes / (self._cube_length**3 * self.dtype.itemsize)) if self.cache_size<*2+1): ram =*2+1) * (self._cube_length**3 * self.dtype.itemsize) // 2**20 raise ValueError("For %s preload cubes more RAM is required: %i MB" %(n_preload, ram)) self.mpa_used = {} self.mpa_empty = [] self.cubes = {} self.load_q = deque() self.loading = {} for i in range(self.cache_size): mp_array = mp.Array(ctypes.c_float, int(self._cube_length**3), lock=True) mp_array.acquire() self.mpa_empty.append(mp_array) self._initialize_from_knossos_path(path, fixed_mag) # self.track = [] @property def shape(self): return self._shape @property def n_f(self): return self._n_f def __repr__(self): s = "<KnossosArray> %s\n"%(self.shape,) s += "%i cubes in cache\n" %len(self.cubes) s += "%i mpa in use\n" %len(self.mpa_used) s += "%i mpa empty\n" %len(self.mpa_empty) s += "%i mpa loading\n" %len(self.loading) s += "%i loading q\n" %len(self.load_q) return s def _initialize_from_knossos_path(self, path, fixed_mag=0): """ Initializes the dataset by parsing the knossos.conf in path + "mag1" :param path: str forward-slash separated path to the datasetfolder - not .../mag ! :param fixed_mag: int fixes available mag to one specific value :return: nothing """ self._knossos_path = path all_mag_folders = our_glob(os.path.join(path,"*mag*")) if fixed_mag > 0: self._mag.append(fixed_mag) else: for mag_test_nb in range(32): for mag_folder in all_mag_folders: if "mag"+str(2**mag_test_nb) in mag_folder: self._mag.append(2**mag_test_nb) break mag_folder = our_glob(os.path.join(path,"*mag*"))[0].split("/") if len(mag_folder[-1]) > 1: mag_folder = mag_folder[-1] else: mag_folder = mag_folder[-2] self._name_mag_folder = \ mag_folder[:-len(re.findall("[\d]+", mag_folder)[-1])] try: p = our_glob(os.path.join(path,"*mag1"))[0]+"/knossos.conf" print("Reading %s" %p) f = open(p) lines = f.readlines() f.close() except: raise NotImplementedError("Could not find/read *mag1/knossos.conf") parsed_dict = {} for line in lines: try: match ='(?P<key>[A-Za-z _]+)' r'((?P<numeric_value>[0-9\.]+)' r'|"(?P<string_value>[A-Za-z0-9._/-]+)");', line).groupdict() if match['string_value']: val = match['string_value'] elif '.' in match['numeric_value']: val = float(match['numeric_value']) elif match['numeric_value']: val = int(match['numeric_value']) else: raise Exception('Malformed knossos.conf') parsed_dict[match["key"]] = val except: print("Unreadable line in knossos.conf - ignored.") self._shape[2] = parsed_dict['boundary x '] self._shape[1] = parsed_dict['boundary y '] self._shape[0] = parsed_dict['boundary z '] self._shape_spatial[:] = self._shape self._cube_boundary = np.ceil(self._shape.astype(np.float) / self._cube_length).astype( # the boundary is the first for which no cube is availbale! self.scale[2] = parsed_dict['scale x '] self.scale[1] = parsed_dict['scale y '] self.scale[0] = parsed_dict['scale z '] self._experiment_name = parsed_dict['experiment name '] if self._experiment_name.endswith("mag1"): self._experiment_name = self._experiment_name[:-5] def _request_cube(self, coords): assert (coords not in self.cubes) and (coords not in self.loading) assert len(self.mpa_empty) # self.track.append(coords) coords_xyz = [coords[2], coords[1], coords[0]] # knossos has xyz order, we have zyx mag = self._mag[0] path = self._knossos_path+self._name_mag_folder+\ str(mag) + "/x%04d/y%04d/z%04d/" \ % (coords_xyz[0], coords_xyz[1], coords_xyz[2]) + \ self._experiment_name + '_mag' + str(mag) + \ "_x%04d_y%04d_z%04d.raw" \ % (coords_xyz[0], coords_xyz[1], coords_xyz[2]) if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError("Slice out of bounce, no cube %s " "[Note: not all cubes exist within bounding box!].)" %(coords,)) mp_array = self.mpa_empty.pop() status = mp.Event() # is not set mp_array.release() proc = LoadProc(mp_array, path, self.dtype, status) proc.start() self.load_q.append([status, proc, mp_array, coords]) self.loading[coords]=True def _clear_q(self, wait_for): if wait_for is None: states = [q[1].is_alive() for q in self.load_q] try: max_i = states.index(True) except: # all have terminated already max_i = len(self.load_q) elif wait_for=='all': max_i = len(self.load_q) else: max_i = len(self.load_q) i = 0 while i<max_i: status, proc, mp_array, coords = self.load_q.popleft() if proc.is_alive(): print("WAITING for cube %s" %(coords,)) proc.join() if status.is_set(): raise Exception("An error happened in one of the loading processes") mp_array.acquire() np_array = np.frombuffer(mp_array.get_obj(), self.dtype).reshape(self._cube_sh) assert coords not in self.cubes, "%s"%(coords,) self.cubes[coords] = np_array self.mpa_used[coords] = mp_array self.loading.pop(coords) #print("cube %s loaded" %(coords,)) if coords==wait_for: break i += 1
[docs] def preload(self, position, start_end=None, sync=False): """ preloads around position preload distance but at least to cover start-end """ position = np.array(position, center_cube = np.floor((position)/self._cube_length).astype( start = np.maximum(center_cube - self.n_preload, 0) end = np.minimum(center_cube + self.n_preload + 1, self._cube_boundary) # preload indices ijk_pre = list(itertools.product(range(start[0], end[0]), range(start[1], end[1]), range(start[2], end[2]))) # requested indices: if start_end is not None: start_r, end_r = start_end if np.any(end_r > self._cube_boundary): print("Warning: Slice at %s might be out of bounce (no cube %s)" %(position, end_r-1)) ijk_req = list(itertools.product(range(start_r[0], end_r[0]), range(start_r[1], end_r[1]), range(start_r[2], end_r[2]))) ijk_req_set = set((ijk_req)) ijk_pre = list(filter(lambda x: x not in ijk_req_set, ijk_pre)) ijk = ijk_req + ijk_pre else: ijk = ijk_pre fetch = [] keep = {} for coords in ijk: if (coords in self.cubes): keep[coords] = True elif (coords not in self.loading): fetch.append(coords) if len(fetch) > len(self.mpa_empty): # need to release arrays first n = len(fetch) - len(self.mpa_empty) if len(ijk) > self.cache_size: f = float(len(ijk)) / self.cache_size raise ValueError("The requested array+preload margin is %.2f x" " too large for the cache limit" %f) self._release_cubes(center_cube, keep, n) for i,j,k in fetch: self._request_cube((i,j,k)) if sync: self._clear_q("all") if start_end is not None: return ijk_req
def _release_cube(self, coords): self.cubes.pop(coords) mp_array = self.mpa_used.pop(coords) self.mpa_empty.append(mp_array) #print("cube %s deleted" %(coords,)) def _release_cubes(self, center_cube, keep, n): release = [] for coords in self.cubes: if coords not in keep: dist = np.linalg.norm((center_cube - coords) * [2,1,1]) release.append((coords, dist)) release.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) if len(release)< n: # not enough cubes available, they are still in loading q for i in range(len(release)): # release the possible cubes first self._release_cube(release[i][0]) n_left = n - len(release) # now clear the q try: # without waiting self._clear_q(None) self._release_cubes(center_cube, keep, n_left) except: # if it doesnt work, wait for all self._clear_q('all') self._release_cubes(center_cube, keep, n_left) return for i in range(n): self._release_cube(release[i][0]) def _fetch_cube(self, coords): """ Fetch a cube that is in cache or in loading q. i.e. this cube must have been preloaded Don't use this to request/preload a cube! """ if coords not in self.cubes: assert coords in self.loading self._clear_q(coords) return self.cubes[coords] #@utils.timeit
[docs] def cut_slice(self, shape, offset, out=None): #tt = utils.Timer() shape = np.array(shape, offset = np.array(offset, start = np.floor((offset)/self._cube_length).astype( end = np.floor((offset+shape-1)/self._cube_length).astype( + 1 position = offset + shape//2 #tt.check("setup", True) ijk = self.preload(position=position, start_end=(start, end), sync=False) #tt.check("preload", True) if out is None: out = np.empty(shape, self.dtype) else: assert out.dtype==self.dtype assert np.allclose(out.shape, shape) l = self._cube_length for i,j,k in ijk: # Flat triple-nested loop values = self._fetch_cube((i,j,k)) #tt.check("fetch", True) xl = max(offset[0]-i*l, 0) xh = min(offset[0]-i*l+shape[0], l) yl = max(offset[1]-j*l, 0) yh = min(offset[1]-j*l+shape[1], l) zl = max(offset[2]-k*l, 0) zh = min(offset[2]-k*l+shape[2], l) cut = values[xl:xh, yl:yh, zl:zh] #tt.check("cut", True) xl1 = max(i*l-offset[0], 0) xh1 = min((i+1)*l-offset[0], shape[0]) yl1 = max(j*l-offset[1], 0) yh1 = min((j+1)*l-offset[1], shape[1]) zl1 = max(k*l-offset[2], 0) zh1 = min((k+1)*l-offset[2], shape[2]) out[xl1:xh1, yl1:yh1, zl1:zh1] = cut #tt.check('write', True) #tt.summary() return out
def _normalise_idx(self, idx): new_idx = [] shape = np.zeros(3, offset = np.zeros(3, for i,sl in enumerate(idx): if isinstance(sl, int): raise ValueError("Cannot slice single slices, only ranges") start, stop, step = sl.indices(self._shape_spatial[i]) if start < 0 or stop>=self._shape_spatial[i]: raise ValueError("Slice %s out of bounce for knossos " "array of shape %s" %(idx[i], self._shape_spatial[i])) if step != 1: raise NotImplementedError("Subsampled slicing not implemented:" "instructins: use mag(stride) cubes " "and reuse slicing function") new_idx.append(slice(start, stop, step)) shape[i] = (stop - start)//step offset[i] = start return shape, offset, new_idx def __getitem__(self, idx): assert len(idx) in [3,4] add_channel = False if len(idx)==4: assert idx[0].start==idx[0].stop==idx[0].step==None idx = idx[1:] add_channel = True shape, offset, new_idx = self._normalise_idx(idx) out = self.cut_slice(shape, offset) if add_channel: out = out[None] return out
[docs]class KnossosArrayMulti(KnossosArray): def __init__(self, path_prefix, feature_paths, max_ram=3000, n_preload=2, fixed_mag=1): self._arrays = [] self._n_f = len(feature_paths) self.dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) for feature in feature_paths: p = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(path_prefix,feature)) self._arrays.append(KnossosArray(p, max_ram // self._n_f, n_preload, fixed_mag)) self._shape = (self._n_f,) + tuple(self._arrays[0].shape) self._shape_spatial = self._arrays[0].shape
[docs] def preload(self, position, sync=True): if len(position)==4: position = position[1:] for a in self._arrays: a.preload(position, sync=sync)
def __getitem__(self, idx): assert len(idx)==4 feature_slice = idx[0] idx = idx[1:] shape, offset, new_idx = self._normalise_idx(idx) feature_indices = list(range(*feature_slice.indices(self._n_f))) out = np.empty((len(feature_indices),)+tuple(shape), self.dtype) for i in feature_indices: self._arrays[i].cut_slice(shape, offset, out[i]) return out
[docs] def cut_slice(self, shape, offset, out=None): if out is None: out = np.empty((self._n_f,)+tuple(shape), self.dtype) for i in range(self._n_f): self._arrays[i].cut_slice(shape, offset, out[i]) return out
def __repr__(self): s = "<KnossosArray> %s\nFirst sub-array:\n"%(self.shape,) s += repr(self._arrays[0]) return s
class KnossosArrayMultiMy(KnossosArrayMulti): def __getitem__(self, idx): tmp = super(KnossosArrayMultiMy, self).__getitem__(idx) sh = list(tmp.shape) sh[0] = 2 out = np.empty(sh, dtype=np.float32) out[0] = tmp[0] out[1] = np.maximum(np.maximum(tmp[1], tmp[2]) - tmp[3], 0) return out @property def n_f(self): return self.n_f @property def shape(self): sh = list(self._shape) sh[0] = 2 return tuple(sh) if __name__ == "__main__": import time, sys sys.path.append(os.path.expanduser("~/axon/mkilling/devel/")) from knossos_utils import KnossosDataset from elektronn2.utils.plotting import scroll_plot, scroll_plot2 path = os.path.expanduser("~/lustre/sdorkenw/j0126_3d_rrbarrier/") arr = KnossosArray(path, max_ram=1200, n_preload=2) arr.preload([0,0,0], sync=True) sh = np.array([120,240,240]) off = np.array([0,0,0]) + np.random.randint(0, 500, size=3) # a = arr[0:80, 0:220, 0:230] # a0 = arr[0:100, 0:400, 0:200] # a1 = arr[0:100, 100:400+100, 100:200+100] # b = arr[0:640, 0:640, 0:384] # c = arr[500:600, 500:800, 500:800] # kds = KnossosDataset() kds.initialize_from_knossos_path(path) get = utils.timeit(kds.from_raw_cubes_to_matrix) # a0 = arr.cut_slice(sh, off) # a1 = get(sh[[2,1,0]], off[[2,1,0]]) # a2 = (a1.T).astype(np.float32)/255 # print(np.allclose(a0, a2)) # fig = scroll_plot2([a0, a2], 'ab') t = 0 out = np.empty(sh, dtype=np.float32) N = 500 for i in range(N): t0 = time.time() a = arr.cut_slice(sh, off, out=out) t += time.time()-t0 time.sleep(0.2) off += np.random.randint(0, 10, size=3) print("%.3f slices/s" %(float(N)/t)) arr._clear_q(None) fig = scroll_plot(out, 'a')